Don’t deprive yourself of dental treatment you need, deserve and have the benefits to obtain! Unfortunately, many dental benefit dollars will not carry over into the following year, leading you to miss out on the value of your benefits payments. The bottom line: when it comes to dental benefits, what you don’t use, you lose!
Unlike medical insurance, dental benefits and plans provide you with an allotted amount of money to spend on treatment each year. If there is any money remaining, it could disappear come January! Schedule an appointment today to maximize what your dental benefits will cover this year so that next year’s benefits can be used for any unexpected treatment needs that may arise. For most plans, as of January 1, 2023, you will again be required to pay 100% of your annual insurance deductible before any dental benefits are paid by your insurance company. Now is the perfect time to achieve the smile you’ve always dreamed of and take full advantage of your dental benefits.
At Hall Family Dentistry, we are committed to making dentistry as easy as possible for our patients, and this means helping them maximize the value of their dental benefits! Call our office today (317) 356–0919, and together let’s make sure you are in excellent dental health for the New Year and receiving the full value of your benefits. We look forward to seeing you soon!